I’ve done some digging around this recent blog from Tomi Ahomen. It talks about a Nokia sponsored “Every Second Counts” contest for 24 second films that must be created on a mobile phone. The quality of the video will vary widely based upon the sophistication of the phone’s camera and “editing” tools on a mobile are few and far between. If you do a quick search, the top listed tools on Google come from Muvee Technologies, which of course is bundled with Nokia phones, the contest sponsor. It is also one of the only “on phone” editors I found with several searches on multiple engines. How long before we start seeing more (or at least better coverage for those that exist).
The “Every Second Counts” contest, taken in context with recent changes at Fox and Time Warner (see the Zachary Rogers, ClickZ article on changes at Fox Interactive) provides a hearkening of things to come. The chessboard is re-arranging itself for the converged channels. User generated media + consolidated advertising and programming infrastructures should dramatically decrease costs and bolster profits. As smartphones, Pocket PCs and PDAs gain ground over candy bar phones, the screen size becomes large enough for short content viewing and it appears, even content generation.
While I don’t believe the mobile phone will ever become the primary platform for video creation, it’s handy in a pinch, has an intrinsic entertainment factor and provides a convenient medium for creating unique, relevant and personal content. Content that can be used multiple times across multiple channels, supported by multiple advertisements targeted at multiple audiences with multiple devices in multiple locations.