Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Using Mobile Channels for Good

My company, 3PMobile has been knee deep in digital privacy issues.  While there are some unbiased and thoughtful participants working through the "Do Not Track" (DNT) standard, there are also some very smart, people whose agenda is less than altruistic, or they haven't completely thought through the long term impact of their recommendations. I've been reading proposed privacy legislation, but key things like the definition of tracking or monitoring are left out and mobile is being treated separately from desktop.  I thought their was only one Web?  Hmm...  Needless to say, the process is exhausting. Too many smart people forget that the value in interactive channels is to interact in ways beyond behavioral targeting.

I took a break this evening to run some errands.  As I was standing in line at Target, I noticed what at first, looked like odd behavior from the young woman in front of me.  I realized she was doing something with her smartphone, but the behavior was still puzzling.  As she turned, I realized she was signing into her smartphone.  The video camera on the front of her phone was capturing her signs and she was viewing signs from another individual.  I was inspired!  Someone was using the Web to deliver an extraordinary mobile user experience that really made a difference.  Exhilaration ensued!

So in honor of those companies, organizations and individuals who are using interactive channels to "Do Good" - I salute you!  For every bad apple, I know there are thousands of good ones out there.   While I do not know what app or Web service the young woman was using, I found this nice listing from the Accessible Technology Coalition of the Top 10 Phone Apps for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired.  Please pass it along to anyone you know who may benefit from them.